Thursday, July 22, 2010


Watch your thoughts, they become words.

Watch your words, they become actions.

Watch your actions, they become habits.

Watch your habits, they become character.

Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

~~Lao-Tze ~~

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hello World

It has been a while since I last posted on my blog. Things for me have been like a roller coaster the last couple of months. You know full of ups, downs, loops, and unsuspecting turns. Some days I didn't think I would make through the day, my mind was and still at time was just scattered here and there just not sure of anything. It's amazing how we become so comfy with life that when something minor happens it throws everything in the air like birds taking flight after being startled. In all that I have been through I have learned some valuable lessons along the way: love those who are here now, enjoy each day as if it were last, let it be known how you truly feels, and the list goes on and on.. Sometimes, I ask myself why didn't you realize all this before now..........

Monday, June 14, 2010

~~To My Angels~~

As always keeping my girls at heart, one never knows when that time may come. Death will come knocking at all our doors eventually. This is my way of leaving my girls with a little something more to hold on to. I guess you could say my last words, so to speak......

Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake please tell my girls that I will always love them and whole them in heart for-ever. Life goes on and nothing should change; go about your daily doings as if I were there. I will be in heaven looking over you girls until we reunite someday. Don’t cry for me for we have had so many happy days and memories together and those are the ones I want you to hold the tightest. No one knows how many days they have left on this earth so don’t take them for granted, live your life for a longer and better life.

Yes, my angels I know it seems as though all is lost but it really isn't. It is your time, your time to shine like the bright star in the northern sky. Mama will be that light breeze that brushes across your face or that sweet whisper in your ear when you feel lost, confused, or just feeling a little down. I may not be here in the flesh but I will always be there in spirit. I love you my sweet angels!!

~~Where Did the Passion GO?~~

In the beginning we were inseparable. No one could have prepared me for the resentment I now hold in my heart. At first things were as if I were living a fairy tale come true and nothing or no one could have wakened me from that dream. You were my knight in shining armor that came into my life at just the right time….!

You swept me off my feet during what I thought was the one of the worst and darkest times in my life. With the guidance of the man above you helped me to move past all that pain, anger, and confusion. You became my best friend, my comforter, and the one person I knew I could always count on. Where did all that go…….?

I know every relationship has its ups and downs but here lately we have had more downs than is allowed in a single football game. Things with us have become such a double standard to the point that I am so confused. It is okay for you to come, go, and do as you please but when it is my turn then it is a problem. What is the problem…..?

We have had the same argument since for what seems like an eternity now and everything gets laid out on the table but nothing is ever really fixed. We continue to go through the motions of you promising that you will change and do better. How long does it last, not long enough? It last long enough for the sticky on back of the band-aid to wear off. How do we move forward……?

I am starting to wonder if there is a future for us at all. I have heard many say that having a piece of man is better than having no man at all. I have tried to take what I have and work with it but you have to understand that you cannot teach an old dog new tricks. I am starting to see signs as we continue down this highway that seems ever ending. Wait the sign says crossroad up ahead, which way do we go. If we take the highway to the left it seems to hold uncertainty. Will things remain the same or change for the worst? The highway to the right seems to hold change for the better and hold a promising future for us. What do we do; Which way do we go……?

I don’t know, you tell me what does it hold………?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I cannot believe this is the end! We have all come a long way and yet still have a long way to go. This will be my last post to this bog, I have created another on another website if you want to continue following me. I plan to continue following those of you who keep blogging beyond this class. Good Luck and maybe we will meet up in another class or maybe our paths will cross in the reall life.

My new blog is on athoughtofmine

Looking foward to seeing you all there...